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K-3 Literacy Score On School Report Cards Is Not 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee

Meme posted to the Public Education Partners Facebook page

As people around the state continue to study the latest school report cards released by the Department of Education, there seems to be at least one area causing some confusion. 

A Facebook meme -- circulating among parents, teachers and others -- quotes a superintendent questioning why his district’s K-3 Literacy score was so low when nearly all of his students passed the 3rd Grade Reading Guarantee.

As Chris Woolard with the Ohio Department of Education explains, it’s because the K-3 Literacy component is a different measure that scores how a district did in helping students who were identified as struggling readers.

“This just focuses in on those kids who aren’t on track and that group of kids might be bigger in some districts than others but this particular measure is about that subgroup of kids,” said Woolard.

Critics of the department say certain factors make this year’s report cards too confusing and they shouldn’t have been released.

Listen to Chris Woolard's full explanation of the K-3 Literacy component of the state report cards.

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