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Kasich Talks To Newspaper Execs About School Funding Cuts In His Budget

Karen Kasler
Gov. John Kasich speaks at the Ohio Newspaper Association.

Gov. John Kasich talked to newspaper executives and editors about a variety of topics in his budget, including school funding.

Kasich was asked about how the half of Ohio’s school districts that will lose money in his budget should handle those cuts. Kasich said for a specific district, he would want to know if the district was losing students, because then it probably should get less money, and how it’s using the money it has.  And he offered this suggestion: “Why don’t they put a levy on? Because if they put a levy on, guess how much of the money goes into the schools? 100%. So that’s the most efficient way. Now, I don’t know what their circumstance is.”

Kasich said he’d like to see districts with high incomes and rising property values get less state funding, an idea  he hinted was rejected by state lawmakers.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at
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