The Center for American Women in Politics at Rutgers shows women, who make up more than half of the U.S. population, hold only about 20% of the seats in Congress and the U.S. Senate, and only slightly more than that in state legislatures. This report takes a look at a program designed to encourage women to take the first step toward joining them and running for office.
Women from around the state came to Ohio State University for a campaign training seminar called Ready to Run. Program Manager Shadia Jallaq says it encourages women to run for political offices.
“We provide training resources on campaigning, on fundraising, on marketing and we have these women talk to women who are elected and in office to give them some advice on how to run for office.”
Two years ago, the non-partisan group Political Parity produced a report after talking to lawmakers and candidates. It found fundraising requirements, lack of party support, unequal scrutiny with male candidates and problems finding mentors are obstacles for women who want to run. Family concerns were way down the list.