Dayton Mayor Nan Whaley wants lawmakers to shelve a bill that would remove restrictions for using lethal force in self-defense. The so-called "Stand Your Ground" bill, SB383, is moving its way through the legislature with the chance of passing before the month.
Whaley says the mass shooting in her city last year that left nine victims dead and many others wounded is a reminder of the prevalence of gun violence.
Whaley says removing the requirement for a person to try to find a way out before pulling a gun on someone in self-defense sends a dangerous message and creates a societal norm for violence.
"That's the kind of stuff we're talking about when we are just permeated by guns in our community, that's the challenge that's underway and that's why the data shows that it increases gun violence," says Whaley.
Supporters of the bill say the "duty to retreat" creates confusion for people in dangerous situations, while opponents say it’s prejudiced against people of color.
Whaley says, if the legislature does pass the provision, then she and other Dayton leaders are calling on Gov. Mike DeWine to veto the bill.