Rep. Kyle Koehler (R-Springfield) says the exhaustion that comes with "springing forward" and "falling back" can all be avoided if federal legislators agree to keep the country to one choice of timekeeping.
Koehler acknowledges that there are many groups that agree the country should stop switching the clocks back-and-forth. However, there is disagreement over which time would be best; daylight saving time or standard time.
"What I hope to accomplish is that we stop moving the clocks," says Koehler. "I don't care — in many ways — which way we go. The fact of the matter is it's 2022 we need to stop changing our clocks twice a year."
Koehler says the motivation to lock the clock goes beyond a general annoyance or lack of sleep.
He uses the example of several school districts in Ohio that will be administering student assessments this week. Koehler says that means students will be taking crucial tests with less sleep.
This is a resolution, so it doesn't have the force of law and would make no changes to the clock. But it still has opponents.
Most House Democrats voted against it during session in December.
Rep. Mary Lightbody (D-Westerville) argued that extending daylight saving time throughout the year can have several consequences. Lightbody notes there would be times when the sun would not rise until after 8 a.m., which would cause problems for students in the morning walking to school in the dark.
The Republican-dominated House approved the resolution and the Senate, also run by Republicans, is now considering the measure.