COVID rates are rising dramatically, according to new data from the Ohio Department of Health.

Hospitalization rates of unvaccinated Ohioans are climbing as well.

Ohio Dept of Health Director, Dr. Bruce Vanderhoff, says in July, Ohio counties averaged about 17 cases of COVID per 100,000 people over a two-week period. Now, it’s an average of 400.
“And some are upwards of 1,000. And when you look at the counties with the highest case rates per 100,000, they are primarily counties with lower vaccination rates," Vanderhoff says.
Vanderhoff and some doctors working in major hospitals say patients with COVID are younger, including kids, and many have no underlying health conditions. The doctors say the facilities are nearing capacity. And if and when they reach that point, some who need health care might be turned away.
Vanderhoff says the Delta variant is causing people to get sicker quicker. He says nearly all of those who are hospitalized or die from COVID are unvaccinated at this point.