Gov. Mike DeWine is following CDC protocols and is under quarantine after testing positive for COVID-19, a diagnosis backed by his personal physician.
DeWine had been experiencing what a written statement described as "mild symptoms" such as a runny nose, headache, body aches, and a sore throat.
He received a monoclonal antibody treatment Friday evening.
In the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, DeWine gained national attention for what was seen as swift action in response to the coronavirus. In March 2020, DeWine announced health orders that closed schools, restaurants, and required people to observe social distancing.
Political opponents, running against DeWine in the Republican gubernatorial primary, said DeWine over-extended his authority when implementing those health orders. However, health officials have commended DeWine for Ohio's response in the first few months of the pandemic.
In August 2020, DeWine was tested for COVID-19 as standard protocol before meeting then-President Donald Trump. That test came back positive. After several, more-accurate tests delivered negative results it was determined that DeWine did not have the virus.
A statement from DeWine's office noted that Gov. DeWine and First Lady Fran DeWine are fully vaccinated and also received the booster shot. Fran DeWine has not been experiencing symptoms and has tested negative for COVID-19.