Some Ohioans who rely on copay assistance programs to help with expensive medications are finding that their insurance companies are no longer allowing…
Federal law mandates insurers treat mental health services like they would physical health care. But the sponsors of a new bill in the Ohio Legislature…
Ohio lawmakers are proposing a bill that would eliminate an insurance provision known as "step therapy" for people diagnosed with Stage IV cancer.Step…
Several Ohio House Republicans are backing a bill that they say provides options to avoid "surprise billing", when patients get unexpected big invoices…
Democratic lawmakers are trying to pass a bill that would require health insurance companies provide coverage for children’s hearing aids. The legislators…
The bill doesn’t ban so-called "step therapy", but would allow for exemptions such as if medication causes an allergy or if the patient has already tried…
A bipartisan bill dealing with how insurance companies deny certain treatments and drugs until other options are tried first is getting a final push in…
A task force of health insurers convened by the Attorney General’s office has come up with 15 recommendations on how they can help with the opioid crisis…
Two Democratic state lawmakers have proposed a plan for universal health-care coverage for Ohio. Statehouse correspondent Karen Kasler reports on the…