But finding out where all of those campaign dollars come from isn't easy, especially when dark money is involved in some cases.
Ohio is among the first states to leave the national group over a letter that suggested threats against school board members might be "domestic terrorism".
And as with many things these days, politics are playing a role in the controversy over who gets elected to public school boards this November.
Groups representing Ohio school districts, teachers and education officials are pleased the final state budget includes what’s been called the Fair School…
The number of public school buildings where students will be eligible for the state’s largest private school voucher program will more than double in the…
Ohio law says medical marijuana can be used to treat specific conditions in children. But what happens when those kids need to take a dose of it while…
The relationship between Gov. John Kasich and Ohio’s education leaders has been troubled for years. When it comes to school administrators, they’ve seen…
A new report suggests a high school graduation crisis could be coming in Ohio. More than a third of the state’s high schoolers have not yet scored what…
Some Democrats and critics of the state's school district grade cards say they should have never been released this year since the test used to formula…