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Woman Who Experienced "Conversion Therapy" Speaks Out For Ban On It For Minors

Friday is the national Transgender Day of Remembrance, for people who committed suicide or were killed in acts of violence against trans people. Two state lawmakers are observing it with a bill they say will help trans and LGBT teens.

Reps. Denise Driehaus (D-Cincinnati) and Debbie Phillips (D-Athens) want to ban conversion therapy for minors. That’s therapy that’s often faith-based and aims to change a person’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

Jody Davis of Columbus is a trans woman who’s a registered nurse and a social worker. She spent a year in conversion therapy and said it’s not something kids should be put through. “It’s based off this idea that something is wrong with you, that you’re a defective," Davis said. "So the therapy itself wasn’t helping me with the guilt, the shame and the self-hatred that was just a part of my whole life.”

The bill was introduced in June but has yet to be heard in committee.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at