A convicted killer whose execution was delayed once because of a juror’s letter won’t be put to death. And Gov. John Kasich has also delayed the execution for another killer.
Kasich has commuted the death sentence of Raymond Tibbetts to life in prison. Tibbetts was convicted in 1997 for the murder of his wife, Judith Crawford, and their landlord, Fred Hicks, in Cincinnati. Kasich rejected the parole board’s recommendation against clemency for Tibbetts after a hearing last month, which was prompted by a juror’s letter to Kasich raising concerns about Tibbetts’ trial. Kasich also delayedCleveland Jackson’s execution from September to May. Jackson was convicted of the 2002 murder of 17-year-old Leneshia Williams and three-year-old Jayla Grant in Lima. Kasich wants to give Jackson’s newly appointed legal counsel time to review his case and prepare for his clemency hearing.