A Cincinnati Council Member has found a workaround to lower speed limits without going through an onerous logistical process with the Ohio Department of Transportation.
Ohio Supreme Court Rules Cities Aren't Liable If Foliage Obscures Sign But Doesn't Block It EntirelyThe Ohio Supreme Court has ruled that a city can’t be sued if a driver’s view of a stop or other traffic control sign is blocked by shrubs or plants,…
The 70 mile per hour speed limit that state law now allows on some roads might not be a good idea after all, according to stats from a recent crash report…
Police say too many drivers aren't obeying the law that says motorists must move over one lane for police officers who have stopped on the side of the…
More people have died so far this year on Ohio’s roads than last year.The Ohio Department of Transportation’s Matt Bruning says, as of Monday, 1,070…