The open seats on the Ohio Supreme Court are likely to capture a lot of attention and a lot of money.
In recent years, when big budget bills have passed, controversial changes in laws over abortion have been attached. And it's happening in this budget as…
A bill to prevent doctors from using telemedicine to provide abortion-inducing drugs has been introduced. But backers of the bill don't know of any cases…
There were slightly fewer abortions performed in the Buckeye state in 2018 than the year before. Supporters and opponents of legal abortion disagree on…
Abortion opponents have asked the Ohio Department of Health to consider taking action against Toledo’s only abortion clinic. Earlier this year, the Toledo…
At least 18 abortion restrictions have been put into place in Ohio since Gov. John Kasich took office in 2011. There are fewer abortion clinics now versus…
The Ohio Supreme Court has made two big decisions on abortion involving two separate but related cases, by ruling on a case involving one of Ohio’s eight…
The state’s highest court has heard arguments about whether to keep open Toledo's only abortion clinic. And the case could affect Ohio's seven other…
A newly proposed ballot initiative filed with the Attorney General would begin the process of putting an issue on the ballot to ban all abortions in Ohio.…