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Democrats May Still Face Party Unity Questions, But Stand Firm On LGBTQ Rights

There still may be questions of party unity for the Democrats coming out of their national convention, but on one issue, the party seems to be very united – LGBTQ rights.

Jim Obergefell of Cincinnati announced the votes for Hillary Clinton during the roll call of states at the convention this week. The man who was the lead plaintiff in the lawsuit that brought marriage equality to the nation says there’s no question the Democratic Party is unified on this issue. “They are on our side. They are fighting for our rights. They’re fighting to include us as ‘we the people’.”

Rep. Nickie Antonio (D-Lakewood) is Ohio’s first openly gay state lawmaker, and she agrees. “I felt like I was at a lovefest the past couple of days, even with some of the tension between smaller groups. In general, we want everyone to be included.”

But back at home, Antonio doesn’t have high expectations for her LGBT anti-discrimination bill, which she’s proposed three times.

Contact Karen at 614-578-6375 or at
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